Textile advertising with an individual design

Textiles with advertising can be used in many different ways in advertising. In addition to being used as an advertising surface for companies and organizations, they are also used in the private sector by clubs, private individuals and schools. Promotional textiles are a very simple way of demonstrating that you belong to a team and appearing as one for a company. For schools with their final classes, ABI classes and for events and excursions, we have a variety of offers for the small purse.
Through a strong standardization of the processes, the use of modern & innovative IT solutions as well as an efficient design of our supply chain, we are able to offer you the best possible service in combination with low product prices and short delivery times. We are constantly striving to further optimize processes and continuously reduce costs.

Does it need to go a little faster? No problem! We would be happy to put in a night shift for you! You have the option of having your textiles, such as T-shirts, printed in up to 5 working days. Our standard delivery time is currently only 3 - 7 working days.
All textiles are made only with the highest quality printing process refined.Als Fachanbieter bieten wir Ihnen bedruckte Textilien und Beschriftungen in Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Partnern mit sehr kurzen Lieferzeiten“ inkl. individueller Beratung an. Um aus Ihrem Logo oder die von Ihnen gestaltete Schriftzüge zu einer Textilbeschriftung umarbeiten zu können, benötigen wir im Idealfall eine Vektor-Datei, wie sie Programm wie Adobe Illustrator oder Corel Draw liefern. Selbstverständlich reicht auch eine Idee, den fertigen Entwurf für Ihre Werbung fertigen dann wir für Sie. Der Vorteil von Vektordateien liegt in der verlustfreien Saklierbarkeit der Daten. Bei herkömmlichen Bildformaten wie JPEG-, PNG oder GIF sind Vergrößerungen immer mit einem Qualitätsverlust verbunden.
Your advertising media Toccori & Toccori GbR team